Bauverein Katholische Studentenheime e. V.
Friedrich-Wilhelm-von-Steuben-Str. 90
60488 Frankfurt am Main
Phone: 069/ 789 88 29-0
Telefax: 069/ 789 88 29-21
E-Mail: anfrage@bauverein-frankfurt.de
Managing director
Dipl.-Ing., Dipl.-Wirtsch.-Ing. Susanne Schweren
Snjezana Lukic
Claudia Wanner
Bank account
Commerzbank Frankfurt am Main
IBAN: DE37 5004 0000 0641 6895 00

Friedrich-Dessauer-Haus (FDH)
Friedrich-Wilhelm-von-Steuben-Straße 90
60488 Frankfurt am Main
Alfred-Delp-Haus (ADH)
Siolistraße 7
60323 Frankfurt am Main
Bernhard- und Ludwig-Becker-Haus (BBH)
Am Unterweg 14
60318 Frankfurt am Main
Dernbach-Haus (DBH)
Westendplatz 30
60325 Frankfurt am Main
Student‘s advisor
A special feature of our dorms is the so-called student’s advisor (WHR).
A special feature of our dorms is the so-called student’s advisor (WHR). The office can be found on the ground floor of house H in the FDH, directly at the barrier to the parking lot. The student’s advisor supports our residents in many questions about the dorm and studies.
In addition to pastoral tasks and general life counseling, the offer also includes support in personal crises. There is help with CVs and applications (e.g. for internships and scholarships), but also exam coaching and conflict management if there is a dispute in a shared flat. The student’s advisor is also part of the team at the Catholic university community (KHG) and can put students in touch with KHG’s social counseling if, for example, there are financial difficulties.
In addition, The student’s advisor supports the students representatives (SV) in their semester planning and is available with advice and action when it comes to event management for parties, volleyball tournaments or cooking evenings. In contact with the SV, he is also a mediator and intermediary between the residents and Bauverein‘s administration and management.
There is also an on-site office in the ADH and in the BBH, where the student’s advisor is supported by student tutors. Our tutors are also available to the residents as contact persons and at the same time support the SV. With that kind of dormitory department and tutors, there are contact persons for all houses and in all houses directly in the dorm for the concerns of our residents.

Student’s advisor Matthias Böhm
(Bakk. Phil., Dipl.-Theol., Bankbetriebswirt)
Mon - Fri: approx. 10.30 a.m. - 6.30 p.m. (and by appointment)
E-Mail: m.boehm@bauverein-frankfurt.de
Phone: 069- 7898829-19