Benefits und Specials im Alfred-Delp-Haus
Party cellar and café
Whether it's a birthday or an exam party - you can celebrate in the party cellar. The party cellar in the ADH is located under the café area and is available to residents for private celebrations.
A counter with fridge and sink and matching bar stools in front of it are just as much a part of it as modern seating and small tables with chairs. A foosball table is also available. The rent is 75 euros, the deposit is 150 euros and our residents can book the bar through the secretariat.
The Café Hoppenworth & Ploch is located exactly between the two halls of residence. This place is the place to try delicious coffees or just to take a break from everyday (uni) life.
Music rooms
Under house 6 in the premises of the KHG there are two music practice rooms for the residents of the ADH.
Both are equipped with a piano, which is tuned once a year. The rooms are soundproof and you can play music without disturbing anyone. The whole thing is organized by the KHG. Residents who play music can pick up a key at KHG’s secretariat for a deposit of 20 euros.
When using the music rooms, please make sure that windows and doors are closed afterwards. A reservation is not possible.
Tutorial and SV
In the ADH and in the BBH there is an office on site, where the Student‘s advisor is supported by student tutors.
Our tutors are also available to the residents as contact persons and at the same time support the SV. With the student’s advisor and tutors, there are contact persons for all houses and in all houses directly in the dormitory for the concerns of our residents. The office in the ADH is on the ground floor, at the very end of the corridor on the left-hand side.

Laundry center
A fully equipped laundry center with washing machines and dryers is available on the ground floor of building 5, so that you can do your laundry directly in the dormitory.
In the laundry center in the ADH, 6 washing machines and 6 dryers are available for our residents. When you move in you get a washing card, which you can load with money at a machine and then use in the washing center. To pass the time while doing the laundry, a tabletop football is ready and looking forward to the next match.
KHG and study rooms
The premises of the Catholic University Community (KHG) in Frankfurt are located on the ground floor of the ADH.
This is a meeting point for students and teachers from Frankfurt's universities and the KHG opens up spaces for intercultural encounters, for spiritual experience, for intellectual discourse and for interdisciplinary exchange and perhaps a piece of home in Frankfurt. The KGH staff team designs an extensive program and the team is also available for discussions and professional advice. zur Verfügung. Unsere Bewohnerinnen und Bewohner sind gern gesehen und herzlich eingeladen am Programm der KHG teilzunehmen oder die vorhandenen Lernräume zu nutzen.

Bicycle parking spaces
In the courtyard between houses 5 and 6 there is a sufficient number of bicycle parking spaces with the possibility to lock a bicycle so that bicycles can be parked safely.
You can easily do many daily trips by bike and you can also get to downtown Frankfurt easily and quickly by bike from the ADH. In front of house 7 there are more parking spaces for bicycles, so that every bicycle has a place with the possibility to lock it.